⚡New: User “Stand In” functionality.
This feature allows someone to be assigned as a “Stand-In” for another. You can assign one or more stand-ins for a particular user, for a particular date range (eg: while a supervisor is on leave another can stand-in as them). The user standing-in can access the system as if they are the user on leave, with the same employee access, permissions and dashboards. The user standing-in will only have access to this functionality during the period defined in the stand-in settings. All changes or edits made by the stand-in user will be logged as such making it clear the change was made by a user whilst standing in for another. eg: PAUL (as PETER).

The stand-in feature must first be enabled and stand-in groups defined. These are groups that define which users can stand in for other users. If USER X is linked to stand-in group B, then only the users defined in stand-in group B can be allocated as a stand-in for User X.
To begin using stand-in you must:

  • enable stand in permissions in the user security roles

Edit the security groups to allow stand in permissions. Security groups for administrators should allow creating new stand ins. There is also an option to allow users to create their own stand in (from their assigned stand in group(s)).

  • define one or more stand in groups

Under configuration | users and roles | stand in create the stand in groups. Define the users in this group either by selecting individual users or selecting a security role (all users in that role will belong to this group). Using a security role will ensure future users created in the system will become part of the correct stand-in group.

  • link the correct stand in group(s) to each user

Link one of more of these groups to each user. These are the users allowed to stand in for the user being edited.

There is also a System Global setting that will automatically add a user to any assigned stand-in groups. This setting can be found in Configuration | Global Settings | Security.

⚡Employee Holiday override feature.
This new feature displays the holidays associated with each employee and allows the date defined in the system to be manually over-ridden by a different, agreed date. The screen will also display any current over-rides or calculated mondayisation dates. The holiday dates in the system are updated and synchronized automatically by iDt Group.

  • There is a new Security Role permission for this feature: “View & Override Holiday Date”.

  • This new screen allows you to see the current days configured and override the date of the holiday for one or more employees. The screen can be found in the menu under Employee | Holidays (if the user has the new security permission enabled).

⚡Password Policies have been enhanced.
Two major changes have been made to password policies.

  • Passwords are now verified against current defined password policies on every user log-in.
  • Password policies have been broken into separate policy settings for Employee Self Service and standard administrative users (supervisors and managers). These different users can have different policy restrictions.


⚡Several Dashboard Panels, when maximised, have a Print Panel option.
There are a number of dashboards that now have the ability to print “as displayed on screen” from the panel. If the panel supports this feature you will find a <Print> option when you maximise the panel.

🚀 Employee » Time Off Calendar. Month view displays end of previous month and start of next month requests
🚀 Time Off Editor Calendar shows current Day similar to Timesheet Highlight
🚀 A number of back-end changes to improve performance of pay export, list screens, employee select dialogs and on-site tile
🚀 Better Auto-Punch identification when there are existing punches on the day.
🚀 Add more audit logs for system configuration changes - eg: changes to Global System settings

  • biotime/biotime_1.23.0.x_release_notification.txt
  • Last modified: 6 months ago
  • by Paul Murphy